Warning: This module is a HACK !!!
Nothing of the needed things of the commodities.library to create such
a module is really documented and may be they have a good reason not to
do this. However..., this module seems to work OK ... :)
DOpus popup routines are really a nice thing and also easy to use
(I had a look in some sources with the popmenu.library, ohhh...,
what a difference :) ). You have only to create a list of the
entries you want, another list if one entry should have a submenu,
and must only set the right flags. No need to take care about
VisualInfo() or something else, all is already done by this
Sometimes you may have to read or write IFF files, what you can do by
using the iffparse.library. But this is not much comfortable, you have
to do a lot around. So you should make a try with the DOpus IFF routines
and you will notice then, that is so simple like to read a normal file.
The only reason that this module is average level, is that here is a
lot of code needed to get the CX data and sort it.
So let's go... :
modinit.c (we need a globally pointer...)
includes/Project.h only a minor change...
ModuleEntry.c only a minor change...